Web Design is a great way to round off a company rebrand.

Using my UX Design knowledge I created a brand new, modern and easy-to-use website for ITECCO.

Complete Brand Transformation

I gave the company a completely new look through refreshed branding and a brand new bespoke website.

Using wireframes and my knowledge of User Experience design I prototyped a fully responsive website that I felt would work for the company.

I envisioned a sleek and simple structure to the site to help make job searching easy and stress-free. After establishing a new set of brand guidelines I began the major task of planning a complete update and redesign of the existing website.

Final LIVE Website

ITECCO Recruitment’s brand new website can be seen and accessed LIVE at www.itecco.co.uk and www.itecco.com

After the ‘Go - Live’ date I managed, maintained and edited the site through the back-end to keep everything up-to-date.

Social Media Rebrand

Alongside ITECCO’s brand new website I also created and ran their social media channels.

ITECCO wanted to get across the message of ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’. Therefore, I established a content plan that combined raw/real imagery from company social events and sleek, corporate graphics.

It was important to incorporate iPhone imagery into ITECCO’s feed as they wanted to encourage young people to join their business.

‘People like people’, this essentially means that social media users like to see and interact with people like themselves.

By posting employee successes and company trips I, in turn, attracted more prospective employees. I also avoided a mundane and boring feed that competitors tended to opt for.


Social Media Graphic Design


Packaging Design