University Brief

Develop a piece of work (in any chosen medium) that  focuses on professionalism and impressing a potential employer, Charity or Arts organisation. an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.

For this project I identified a potential client or agency, who was willing to give me feedback on my final outcome. 

I decided to chose Girls in Tech.

Girls in Tech

I have a big interest in digital marketing and how effective it is in business, therefore I wanted to explore this further through one of my favourite mediums; animation.

For this project I wanted to create my own marketing campaign for the organisation Girls In Tech. Girls In Tech is an organisation I am extremely passionate about; as a woman trying to make it in the technology industry myself, I think it is important to encourage and support those in a similar position.

I wanted to understand the world of marketing and the impact design and advertising can have on a business.

For this project I took it upon myself to contact the wonderful women at Girls in Tech and asked if I could create a new marketing campaign for their business that would promote and engage an audience of young girls to get involved in STEM subjects at school for my Professional Practice module at University. I then came up with “This Girl Will”.

Watch the Video:

I created the assets in my animation with Adobe Illustrate and brought them to life in Adobe After Effects.

I kept my campaign short, but impactful through the simplicity of my images and the music choice.

I followed the colour scheme guidelines that Girls in Tech already had in place and made sure that my narrations were easy to follow from a young woman’s point of view.


Packaging Design


Major Project