I created a series of artwork for the podcast series ‘Dreaming of Freedom’, based on life during Covid.

Live Brief

The above brief was presented by One Space Media (https://www.onespacemedia.com/) .

I took part in One Space Media’s one day workshop and started the day with a quick brief from James Dellar, Creative Director. In a short space of time I learnt about time management, organisation and working under pressure.

I was given 4 hours to creatively explore and complete the live brief. I carried out research, took inspiration photos, and started designing.

After the completion of the task, I logged back onto Google Hang Out, along with other graphic designers taking part, and we discussed our experience with the brief and assessed each others work giving both compliments and critiques.

We also received invaluable advice and opinions from the creative minds at One Space Media.

The Podcast

‘Dreaming of Freedom’ is a discussion-based podcast on the current public handling of the COVID-19 social distancing measures during the lockdown. Each series discusses a different topic and how we, as a community, and individually, manage to get through day-to-day challenges and outcomes – both the good and the bad. 


The first topic I chose was ‘Family’. I snapped some pictures of my family’s walking boots/ wellies and used my Wacom Graphics tablet to create a simplified version of this. I chose to keep the style for the series very simple, with still imagery used for impact.

Opposite is my final outcome for ‘Family’.


The second topic I chose was ‘Isolation’. I thought about how isolated I have felt in my own home without anything to do due to cancelled plans. I noticed that my mum had crossed out all the plans we had arranged for first week of June and took a picture to see if I could work with it for my design.

I thought this image really summed up the impact of the pandemic on all of our lives; leaving us all feeling a sense of isolation.

Opposite is my final outcome for ‘Isolation’.

Health and

The third and final topic I chose was ‘Health and Wellness’. I took a variation of different photos that contained soap and general hygiene products that were being used in my house. I chose to highlight the soap dispenser in this topic’s artwork to represent the soap shortage we experienced early on in the pandemic.

This image would resonate with many listeners and links straight to the pandemic.

Opposite is my final outcome for ‘Health and Wellness’.

I am so grateful for the experience One Space Media provided for myself and other Digital Media/Graphic Design Students. Being able to experience a brief with a short time frame to complete it in gave me a realistic view on what a Creative Designer would experience on a day to day basis.

Taking part in this brief has made me even more excited to get involved in design and content creation as a full time career.


Major Project